Friday, April 4, 2014

Best products for Parkinsons

Laminine 4 your health
Brain Sustain
Alpha Lipoic Acid
Spring water
Vitamin B
Young Living products
Hyperbaric and Parkinsons
An interesting theory that I have found myself clinging to over the years is that C1 verebae seems to go out of alignment with Parkinsons Disease patients while they sleep.  I am curious if anyone has any confirmation of this theory...

Also, I have learned that Glutathione has a role in the body's detoxification process.  Glutathione seems to be lacking in PD people.

All I know is these things ring true for me..
Inflammation and other concerns with Chronic Illness

Over the years, I have struggled with inflammation in the secondary issues with overcoming PD.  Here are some of what I have found to be the best resources to fight inflammation..

1) Fish Oil or EPA/DHA
2) CoQ10
3) NingXia Red - Young Living